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On The Job Learning Benefits All


In tough times, most companies are focused on cutting costs and, every employer knows that this means finding cheaper suppliers, trimming running costs and, of course, cutting down on staff.

Quick fix, quick fail

Although reducing the numbers of staff within a company can be seen as a ‘quick fix’, it’s generally a false economy.  Most company owners would agree that a company is only as good as its people and, trying to run a company with an insufficient workforce can be frustrating and, ultimately, costly.  Between 2014 and 2017, the UK registered the redundancies of 97,000 people, many of which crippled the employer in the process.

Working together for success

In recent years, smart employers have been turning more and more toward turning skilled staff into qualified ones through the Apprenticeship levy –  for a number of good reasons.  Firstly, this works out to be extremely cost effective as the employee will remain on the same salary while they learn, saving the company the extra cost of hiring an already qualified member of staff.  Secondly, helping an employee gain the qualifications necessary for career progression encourages loyalty to the company.

At Semester Learning, all of our courses are geared toward real life skills.  Each course has been hand-picked and is constantly assessed to ensure that the information taught is relevant and useful.   The employee can time their learning around their duties to ensure complete flexibility and, the competence of the learner will be assessed in the workplace by our assessors.  We also use an e-portfolio which guides the employee as they learn on the job.  We’ve recently updated our technology to a secure server for the web page and Moodle site, meaning that all employer and apprentice data is super-secure.

Perfect match

From day one, your learner remains a fully-fledged member of the workforce during the two year course of study and, our courses aim to provide the employer and the apprentice with the tools for success.

Semester Learning offers apprentices in a number of different industries including engineering, business administration, IT and telecommunications.