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Application Form

Online Application Form

  • Only complete this form if you have been directed to do so.
  • Please make an initial enquiry before applying by completing the Contact Form –     Contact Form
  • Complete this form to apply online. All data will be secure.  We do not share your details with any other party.
  • We aim to process all applications within 1 working day. Please make sure that you complete all fields as this may delay your application.
  • We accept applications from outside the UK
  1. Click here for the Privacy Notice
Application Form
This will be the selected discipline within the qualification, such as electrical/mechanical or Manual/MIG,
Is this an NVQ only qualification?

Please take the Honey and  Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire: 

You should also take the VAK questionnaire:


Download the forms and fill them in. The scores will be needed later in the application process.

This is the size of the qualification. The Level 3 AME is available in different sizes and each has a different cost.
Address *
Proof of Address. Please tick which document you can supply to prove your address:
Required before you can start
Photo ID: You will be required to prove who you are. Which of the following can you provide a copy of:
Required before you can start
Gender *
Do you want us to register this on your Personal Learner Record?
I have read and understood the privacy notice and would like Semester L&D to obtain my ULN.

Learning Styles

in this section we will ask you to complete a questionnaire relating to the style of learning you are most suited to. If you have done one in the past, but recently, you can use those results. Work out your scores and put them below:
  1. Click here for the Honey and Mumford learning Styles Analysis
  2. Click here for the VAK Learning Styles Analysis.
How do you wish to pay? *
Please send an updated copy of your CV and qualifications to
Do you consider yourself to have a learning difficulty or disability?
Accept terms and Conditions (link below form) *

To view our Terms and Conditions, please click Terms and Conditions (Jan 2020).

